On Demand Learning




"All I can say is GET THE COURSE. I agonized about it way too long and then once I jumped in, it was all so simple and applicable and doable--and worth 4x that price." 

(Heather took the "Drop the Power Struggles" on-demand course)



“My daughter was in an almost constant meltdown, with small glimpses of regulation. She was violent and abusive to her brother and to us – it was an incredibly rough time. Fast forward to now, just a handful of months later of truly implementing Amanda’s Low Demand Parenting and violence is WAY down, sleep has become accessible and we have been able to start homeschooling. It has been a complete 180 turnaround, a transformative, life-giving experience.”



"For anyone navigating the complexities of parenting and seeking hope in challenging moments, this is exactly where you need to be. It's a beacon of light for those of us walking through difficult parenting journeys."

Self Study Courses

Self Study Workshops