A Prayer for Washing Dishes
Sep 19, 2022
I pause at the sink
Looking around at the dishes to load
the clean ones to unload
and the pan to scrub.
I pause.
Because in this moment,
this exact moment,
no one needs me.
No one calls for me.
I am mine.
My thoughts scatter and tatter
while worries seep into my secret place
my usual patterns
pulling me away from myself—
school and medicine and IEP and
schedule and trauma and siblings and
evaluations and paperwork and OT and
in this exact moment
no one needs me.
I am mine.
A deep breath calms the swirl.
I come back to me, to my self
to my needs, for silence, for space
for precious moments, like this one,
the very moment I am in.
A gift.
Can I stay here, accept, soak, relish?
Unwrap the gift, slowly, intentionally,
receiving the gift given?
With weary hands,
tired from holding the weight
of too many strands—
with trembling fingers
slowly unclenching
from the holding—
I reach for the gift.
Nestled inside the present moment
the gift radiates love and gentleness.
I feel the pulse
the energy flows in waves.
I take another breath.
In this moment
this exact moment
When no one needs me
No one calls for me.
I am mine.
And I need…you.
I call for you.
I am yours.
This radical presence is your gift to me
This pulsing energy,
your commitment to show up for me,
every time I even pause
every time I take a breath
every time I release my hold
every time I calm my breath.
Every time
I need you,
Every time
I call for you,
your promise:
I will show up for you.
I will fill you
with my radical presence
Pulsing through this creation
of mine.
And I hear you.
And I breathe.
And standing at the sink,
I whisper back:
I am yours.
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